Being two of India’s major wheat-growing statesu2014Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthanu2014that are headed for elections, the decision is very important for them. Five additional rabi crops have also seen an increase in their MSP: safflower, rapeseed-mustard seed, gram, barley, and lentil (masur).
    Source: The Real Kashmir News
    The implementation of three Central agricultural laws in 2020 had led farmers to believe that the government intended to abolish the well-established MSP system.  The farmers’ year-long protest led to the measures’ eventual repeal. Since then, in an effort to allay fears and concerns among farmers, the Center has been gradually increasing the MSP of different rabi and kharif crops. The legal promise of MSP, however, is still an unmet requirement.
    While MSP is intended to be the lowest price that government procurement agencies will pay for foodgrains, it occasionally ends up being the highest price that farmers are able to obtain. The majority of individual business owners or traders have no problem offering the laboring farmers a bad deal. Rice and wheat are the two main commodities for which public procurement is used, despite the fact that very few governments have strong procurement laws. 

    Source: NDTV
    Three states in India accounted for 85% of the country’s wheat purchases in 2019u201320: Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana. Ensuring that the MSP regime helps farmers nationwide as well as growers of a diverse range of crops, including oilseeds and pulses, is imperative. Crop diversification will never become a reality until all specified crops are sold to farmers at a profit.
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