Bhaichung Bhutia, the former Indian football captain, has announced his resignation from the All India Football Federation’s (AIFF) Technical Committee. He claims that the AIFF has repeatedly bypassed the panel in crucial decision-making processes. Bhutia highlighted that the Technical Committee was neither consulted nor informed about significant developments, undermining its purpose and authority.
Source:- news 18
Bhutia’s resignation comes at a time when Indian football is grappling with various administrative challenges. He expressed disappointment over the lack of transparency and communication within the AIFF, stating that the committee was kept in the dark about key decisions that directly impact the sport in the country.
Source:- BBC news
Bhutia has been a vocal advocate for the development of Indian football and has often emphasized the importance of proper governance and strategic planning. His departure from the Technical Committee is seen as a significant blow, as he brought extensive experience and insight to the role. Bhutia hopes that his resignation will prompt the AIFF to address these issues and ensure that the Technical Committee is given its due respect and authority in the future.
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