The most crucial task for President Biden was allaying worries regarding his greatest weakness, which was his age-related suitability for office. He was a complete failure. Biden wavered and stammered through his responses as Trump made his case for a second term with little opposition. 

    Trump was restrained, as if allowing own goals, for someone who frequently criticises Biden for his age. I actually don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, Trump quipped at one point as Biden faltered when defending his record on border security. He may not even be aware of what he said, in my opinion. 

    Source: Bloomberg

    Democrats were expecting Biden to use the debate to remind Americans of Trump’s tumultuous leadership and turn the election into a referendum on him. Instead, Biden surprised them by doing just that.

    It was the first discussion between the US President in office at the time and his predecessor. Analysts immediately drew attention to the differences from their encounter from four years prior. At the time, Biden presented a positive outlook for the nation while scrutinising Trump’s record. 

    Source: Forbes Breaking News

    This time, he was mainly unsuccessful in pressuring the Republican opponent to back down from his constant, unsupported claims.The party will undoubtedly assign blame to the President for his lacklustre performance and debate whether it was the proper decision to give him a second nomination in the face of minimal competition. Some people might be considering the possibility of nominating someone else.

    With two months to go until the second debate in September, the Biden campaign can clear the air. For the time being, Biden’s performance in the debate will garner more attention than Trump as president.

    What do you think about this? Comment below.


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