The latest season of Bigg Boss has brought with it a whirlwind of emotions, drama, and controversies, with one particular incident involving Udariyaan actors taking center stage. Abhishek Kumar, a prominent figure from the show, finds himself in the midst of a storm as fellow actors rally in his support, accusing co-participant Isha Malviya of spreading falsehoods on national television.


    The unfolding drama began when Isha Malviya, a contestant on Bigg Boss 17, made startling claims about Abhishek Kumar during a recent episode. The accusations ranged from professional misconduct to personal attacks, leading to a wave of backlash from both viewers and Abhishek’s colleagues from Udariyaan.

    In an unprecedented move, several Udariyaan actors have come forward to stand in solidarity with Abhishek Kumar, vehemently denying the allegations made by Isha Malviya. In a joint statement released on social media, the actors expressed their disappointment in Isha’s actions and questioned the authenticity of her claims.

    One of the lead actors, who chose to remain anonymous, stated, “Abhishek has been an integral part of our Udariyaan family, and we have never witnessed any behavior as described by Isha. It is disheartening to see false accusations being aired on national television, tarnishing his image.”

    The controversy has sparked a heated debate both inside and outside the Bigg Boss house, with fans and industry insiders taking sides. Social media platforms are abuzz with discussions, hashtags, and memes as viewers express their opinions on the matter.

    The Udariyaan actors have not only defended Abhishek Kumar but have also criticized the Bigg Boss production team for allowing such accusations to be aired without proper fact-checking. They argue that the platform should be used responsibly and not become a breeding ground for baseless controversies.

    Source TOI

    In response to the mounting pressure, Isha Malviya has yet to issue a public apology or clarification. The controversy has led to discussions about the ethical responsibilities of reality shows and the potential impact of unverified claims on participants’ lives and careers.


    The Bigg Boss 17 controversy involving Udariyaan actors has brought to light the challenges and ethical dilemmas associated with reality television. As the drama continues to unfold, viewers remain divided, and the industry watches closely, hoping for a resolution that upholds the principles of fairness and truth. The incident serves as a reminder that the impact of reality TV goes beyond entertainment, affecting the lives and reputations of those who participate.

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