The prospect of normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel faces a significant hurdle in the form of the unresolved Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to a former CIA director. The longstanding impasse over the two-state solution, which seeks to establish separate Israeli and Palestinian states coexisting peacefully, remains a central sticking point in bilateral relations between the two nations.

    Source:- india today

    The former CIA director emphasized that the absence of a viable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict poses the “biggest barrier” to any potential normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel. The two-state solution, endorsed by the international community, has yet to materialize due to entrenched political divisions, territorial disputes, and security concerns.

    Source:- BBC news

    Efforts to broker a lasting peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians have encountered numerous setbacks over the years, including failed negotiations, unilateral actions, and outbreaks of violence. Despite periodic diplomatic initiatives and peace talks, achieving a comprehensive resolution remains elusive.

    The comments from the former CIA director underscore the complex geopolitical dynamics shaping relations in the Middle East, where regional powers like Saudi Arabia and Israel navigate a delicate balance of alliances and rivalries amidst the backdrop of unresolved conflicts. As discussions around normalization continue, the fate of the two-state solution looms large, representing a crucial determinant in the future trajectory of regional diplomacy and stability.

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