The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has raised allegations of a new land scam in Karnataka, centering on the Kharge family trust’s acquisition of land in the state’s aerospace park. According to the BJP, the trust, associated with Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge, obtained land within the aerospace park under questionable circumstances.

    Source:- news 18

    The controversy revolves around claims that the land was allocated to the trust through undue influence and preferential treatment. The BJP has accused the Karnataka state government of bypassing standard procedures and regulations in granting the land, suggesting that the transaction may involve corruption or favoritism. They allege that the trust’s acquisition undermines transparency and fairness in land allocation, particularly in a strategic industrial zone like the aerospace park, which is intended to attract investment and foster development in high-tech sectors.

    Source:- BBC news

    The Kharge family and their representatives have strongly denied these allegations, asserting that the land was acquired through legal and transparent means. They argue that the accusations are politically motivated and intended to tarnish their reputation. The Congress party has accused the BJP of fabricating the scandal to divert attention from other pressing issues and to weaken their political position in Karnataka.


    This new scandal adds to the ongoing political tension in Karnataka, where allegations of corruption and misuse of power have been frequent. The matter has sparked a broader debate about land management and the integrity of land allocation processes in the state, raising questions about governance and accountability.


    As the controversy unfolds, investigations are expected to delve deeper into the specifics of the land deal and the procedures followed, aiming to clarify whether any rules were breached and to address the claims and counterclaims made by both parties.

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