A Brazilian investigation is underway to determine whether ice buildup on an aircraft was a contributing factor in a recent plane crash that resulted in the deaths of 62 people. The incident, involving a regional jet operated by a local carrier, took place during a routine flight from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro. Preliminary findings suggest that the aircraft encountered severe weather conditions, including freezing temperatures and heavy rain, shortly before losing contact with air traffic control.

    Source:- news 18

    Investigators from Brazil’s National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) and the Aeronautical Accident Investigation and Prevention Center (CENIPA) are focusing on the possibility of ice accumulation on the plane’s wings and control surfaces. Ice buildup can significantly affect an aircraft’s aerodynamic performance, potentially leading to a stall or loss of control. Witnesses reported seeing the aircraft descending rapidly before disappearing from radar screens, which might indicate a sudden loss of control due to icing.

    Source:- news 18

    Authorities have already recovered the aircraft’s flight data recorder (FDR) and cockpit voice recorder (CVR), which are being analyzed for further clues about the crash. The investigation will examine factors such as the aircraft’s de-icing systems, pilot response to weather conditions, and any previous maintenance issues that could have contributed to the accident.

    The tragedy has prompted renewed calls for improved weather monitoring and reporting systems, as well as enhanced pilot training on flying in adverse conditions. Families of the victims have called for a thorough investigation to ensure accountability and prevent similar incidents in the future.

    While it remains unclear if ice buildup was the primary cause of the crash, the probe highlights the dangers of flying in severe weather and the critical need for robust safety protocols in aviation operations. Further updates are expected as the investigation progresses.

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