Business Search: Using the API, users will be able to locate a larger brand on WhatsApp (select country launch u2014 Brazil, UK, Indonesia, Mexico, Colombia).
    Users will be able to find a local merchant (SMB) on WhatsApp.Payment to local merchants would also be possible directly through WhatsApp (currently being tested in Brazil; expected to expand).WhatsApp also announced the debut of the option to discover a company directly on WhatsApp, allowing users to explore companies by categories u2014 such as travel or banking u2014 or search by business name. This will eliminate the need for consumers to look for phone numbers on websites or put a number into their contacts. To begin, we will introduce this functionality to Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Colombia, and the United Kingdom. In Brazil, individuals will be able to explore categories of small companies in their neighborhood as well, the firm said in a statement.WhatsApp also stated that after users locate a business they wish to talk with, they will be able to ask product inquiries, explore their inventory of goods and services, and add items to a shopping cart.From there, we want consumers to be able to make a safe purchase with their credit or debit card directly from the conversation. We recently debuted this experience in India, and we’re thrilled to be testing it with various payment partners in Brazil. This frictionless checkout experience will be a game changer for consumers and companies that want to purchase and sell on WhatsApp without having to visit a website, open another app, or pay in person. In the future, we hope to spread this experience to additional nations, it statedWhat are your thoughts on Mark Zuckerberg’s statement? Comment below


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