Avalanche announced on Friday that Alibaba Cloud had joined their public blockchain to help validators and offer cutting-edge infrastructure.The official statement about the new partnership said that users would be able to use Alibaba Cloud’s products to access computing, storage, and distribution resources, as well as set up validator nodes through the service. Alibaba Cloud, which is the biggest cloud service provider in APAC, is now supporting Avalanche even more!With Alibaba’s plug-and-play infrastructure as a service, new participants that are willing to establish new Avalanche validators might do so with ease, strengthening the avalanche ecosystem (IaaS).Application developers can also add additional cloud infrastructure to support their app during periods of high demand in order to keep up with user activity, according to Avalanche. As a way to celebrate the new integration, developers on the Avalanche network can get credits from Alibaba Cloud to use on any of their services.
    The past several months have seen Google Cloud go on the offensive, forging alliances with nearly all of the top blockchain platforms in the cryptocurrency industry. Google Cloud has been at the forefront of offering cloud infrastructures for cryptocurrencies, whether it be for Ethereum, Solana, or Hedera. Alibaba’s new partnership with Avalanche suggests that the company will make a big push into the cryptocurrency market.
    Gartner says that Alibaba Cloud, which was founded in 2009 and is the intellectual and technological backbone of the Alibaba Group, is the largest infrastructure as a service (IaaS) provider in Asia Pacific. Customers from all over the world can use its wide range of cloud computing services. These services include elastic computing, database and storage services, network virtualization, large-scale computing, security, management, and application services.
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