One of Byju’s significant obstacles is the increasingly competitive landscape in the edtech sector. Over the past few years, numerous players have entered the market, offering a wide array of online learning solutions. This saturation has made it harder for Byju’s to maintain its dominant position. To regain its lost glory, the company must innovate and diversify its offerings to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving industry.

    Moreover, Byju’s has been confronted with concerns about its steep pricing model. While it has garnered a substantial user base, there have been criticisms that its courses are expensive, making quality education accessible primarily to those who can afford it. To regain popularity, Byju’s must reevaluate its pricing strategy to ensure that its services are more inclusive and affordable.

    Source:- bussines today
    The pandemic-induced shift to online learning has provided Byju’s with a golden opportunity, but it must also adapt to the changing needs of students and educators. Investing in advanced technologies such as AI-driven personalized learning experiences and interactive content can help the platform offer a more engaging and effective learning environment.
    Source:- rajeev joshi

    Additionally, international expansion could be a viable strategy for Byju’s to recover its lost prominence. Targeting global markets, especially in regions with a growing demand for online education, can help diversify its user base and reduce reliance on the Indian market.
    In conclusion, Byju’s faces formidable challenges as it strives to reclaim its lost glory in the edtech industry. To do so, the company must innovate, address pricing concerns, embrace advanced technologies, and consider global expansion. By adapting to the changing landscape and listening to its users’ evolving needs, Byju’s can potentially rise again as a leader in online education.

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