As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don’t have specific details on Byju’s financial situation or the potential need to use funds from the Epic sale to sustain operations. However, it’s not uncommon for companies to leverage funds from strategic sales or investments to address financial challenges or fuel ongoing operations.


    If Byju’s is facing difficulties and considering using funds from the Epic sale, it suggests a need for financial stability. Companies often reassess their financial strategies to navigate changing market dynamics. Byju’s, being a prominent player in the education technology sector, may be adapting to various factors influencing the industry.


    It’s crucial to keep in mind that business situations can evolve rapidly, and the latest information may not be reflected in my training data. For the most accurate and up-to-date details on Byju’s financial status, I recommend checking the latest news sources or official statements from Byju’s.

    If there are specific updates or events you’d like information on, please provide more context or check the latest news for the most recent developments.

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