We are all sharing money through the UPI platform very smoothly and easily. But this was just an idea a few years ago. The government launched another digital scheme, this time for citizens’ health. On January 12, 2022, the government launched the Unified Health Interface (UHI) to create a one-stop solution for health-related issues in the country.
    Before we understand the features of this policy, let us find out the exciting problems facing the country in the health sector. There is a lack of databases in the country where all the information about a patient’s entire medical history is stored or where the details of all hospitals are available. The data is stored in long files, which are too messy as they contain everything related to the patients.Another problem in the health aspect is the lack of awareness among the citizens. Even today, many people do not know what kind of medical treatment they have undergone. This lack of awareness can be problematic for their own lives.
    When there is an emergency, the victim’s medical history doesn’t get to the doctor right away because there is no middleman who can get the information to the doctor.With the introduction of UHI, every citizen will get a health ID, just like the UPI ID, which will be linked to the person’s Aadhar card. The interface will contain all the data on patients’ health, doctors, and hospitals.Other than creating just a database for data sharing, the UHI will increase the accessibility of medical facilities by multiple folds. It will link all the ambulances’ details. It can provide home visits for checkups and will provide you with information on medicines and pharmacies so that you won’t need to roam the entire city for hours to find a cure.It will also be very helpful to the insurance companies to assess the health and decide the amount of the insurance premiums. But there are many challenges ahead for the UHI. Data credibility can be a large problem. Data management for existing patients can be a massive problem as well.What do you think will make UHI successful? as UPI? Comment below.


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