These evaluations will therefore empower prospective car purchasers to make well-informed decisions based on the safety aspect. This will probably encourage the auto industry to become serious, but it will also increase the likelihood that Indian automobiles with high safety ratings will win over foreign buyers.
    Source: Mint
    According to the most recent WHO statistics, road accidents are the biggest cause of mortality for young people and children between the ages of five and 29. A car’s safety requirements cannot be emphasized enough in our nation because India has the highest number of road accidents in the world, which result in roughly 1.5 lakh fatalities each year. 
    The Brasilia Declaration, to which India is a party, sets a target to reduce by 50% by 2030 the number of deaths and injuries worldwide caused by traffic accidents (1.3 million yearly). However, without an equal amount of strict obedience to traffic regulations, these car safety measures would be ineffective in India.
    Because flagrant infractions of the laws governing lane driving and speed restrictions are among the leading causes of traffic accidents and the deaths or injuries that arise from them. Every youngster has to grow up understanding the value of safe driving.
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