Firstly, cash is universally accepted, making it a reliable form of payment in areas where digital infrastructure may be lacking or unreliable. In rural or remote regions, where access to electronic payment systems may be limited, cash serves as a steadfast medium of exchange.
    Source:- the same economic timesMoreover, cash transactions provide a level of anonymity that digital transactions often lack. Some individuals value the privacy and discreetness associated with using cash, particularly for personal or sensitive purchases. Cash transactions do not leave a digital trail, offering a sense of security for those who prioritize privacy in their financial dealings.
    Source:-cnbcAdditionally, cash is a tangible representation of financial control. Some individuals prefer the tangible nature of physical currency, as it allows them to have a tangible connection to their spending. This psychological aspect contributes to the enduring popularity of cash, especially among those who may be wary of the intangibility of digital currencies.
    Furthermore, there is a segment of the population, particularly the elderly, who may be more comfortable with traditional forms of payment like cash. Familiarity and ease of use play a crucial role in shaping consumer preferences, and cash continues to be deeply ingrained in established habits and routines.
    In conclusion, while digital transactions have undoubtedly gained momentum, cash remains an enduring monarch in the realm of payments. Its universal acceptance, privacy features, tangible nature, and the comfort it provides to certain demographic groups contribute to its resilience in the face of the digital revolution.
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