After the incident, Patil spoke to the media and said, I went to give out certificates at a university in Paithan in the Devgiri district after the course was completed. They requested additional money. They have already received Rs. 12 crore, and they have requested an additional Rs. 23 crore from the government. When I approved it, I said that while the government will undoubtedly provide, you should also look into other options. With all due respect, I stated that Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mahatma Phule, and Maharshi Karve founded Maharashtra’s first schools. When did I criticise Mahatma Phule and Dr. Ambedkar? I mentioned that instead of waiting for financial assistance from the government, they requested Bheek to build a school, he said.
    The BJP politician clarified his definition of begging by saying, I hail from ‘dehat’ (rural area), they have a problem with it. Even a mother can say to her child, After your father’s death, I asked to raise you, in the dialect dehat. Does that imply that she was begging while standing there ? Is it improper for someone to approach the judge in court and ask for justice while stating, I beg for Justice? Is bheek the incorrect word?He advised you to start schools the way Ambedkar and Phule did, without asking the government for financial assistance. What went wrong, he questioned.
    Patil went on to say that he was unaffected by the occurrence.Splashing ink on my face won’t cause anything to happen. Has no effect on me. I changed into a new shirt and continued on, he stated.Further urging his party members not to interfere with law and order while demonstrating, the Maharashtra minister urged them to do so democratically instead. Additionally, he advised Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis to refrain from disciplining or suspending any police officers.He continued, The accused has been apprehended and the police are working.This week, Patil claimed that Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahatma Phule visited people and pleaded for the establishment of schools.The leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) denounced the ink attack.Devendra Fadnavis, the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra, stated that Chandrakant Patil’s remarks should have been taken seriously.This is an extremely tragic event. It ought to have been clear what Chandrakant Patil meant when he spoke. According to Fadnavis, this meant that neither Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar nor Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil ever operated institutions by requesting government subsidies.By soliciting donations from the public and enlisting the aid of generous individuals, they established plans for the public’s education. Doing such a thing is extremely improper, he continued. Let Us know your views on this in the comment section. 


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