In an interview with VentureBeat, he said that knowledge organizations tend to keep knowledgernin a really flat, two-dimensional way that makes it difficult to access, connect with, and have arndialogue with. We attempted to create expert systems 20, 30, or 40 years ago. They werernoverly rigid, which made things go poorly. I believe that this method holds great promise forrnresolving many problems with expert systems.rnAs ChatGPT and comparable tools develop, It will alter how we access and use informationrninside the company, he said, and it can be trained on an organization’s data securely.rnI believe we will eventually reach a stage where we can genuinely speak with an AI agent aboutrnthe performance of the business, he predicted. You question the system, and the system isrncapable of maintaining a state of the conversation, and then every question allows you to delverndeeper into the issue and understand it better, as opposed to letting me run a report on sales inrnthis specific region for the last month, which typically doesn’t provide much insight.\rn
    This potential for generative AI’s future would have a big impact on enterprise software becausernbusinesses would have to consider novel ways to organize data within an organization that goesrnbeyond conventional analytics tools, according to Bianzino.rnHe remarked on the available technologies, To be honest, there are great dashboards, muchrnbetter data structures, but not an amazing amount of value.rnA ChatGPT or its equivalent, on the other hand, could be invited to a board meeting and couldrnbe questioned, Bianzino argued. What do you think about this? Share your views in therncomments below.


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