At a ceremony held here, 11 kids received the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2023 from Murmu. Children are priceless assets for the nation, the President said during his remarks.The future of our society and nation will be shaped by every effort made to secure their future. For a safe, happy childhood and a promising future, we should do everything possible. We are recognizing and encouraging the kids’ contributions to the development of the country by giving them awards, the woman said.

    The President remarked that some of the honorees had demonstrated such unwavering bravery and valor at such a young age that she was not only proud of them but also upon learning about them, I was both overwhelmed and startled.She continued, Their examples are motivating for all children and teenagers.
    According to the President, the nation is commemorating Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
    We fought hard for our freedom, but we won. Because of this, it is expected of the younger generation to appreciate and uphold their independence, according to the speaker.
    She gave youngsters the advice to consider the best interests of the nation and serve it whenever they get the chance.
    According to the President, the charity has been elevated to the top position in Indian life values.
    Only those who live for others can say that life has a purpose. The culture of caring for animals, birds, and all humans, as well as according to her, plants are a part of Indian life values.
    She expressed her happiness at seeing that today’s youth are more environmentally sensitive.
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