Sajid Mir is wanted by India for his involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks and carries a US bounty of $5 million. Interestingly, a Pakistani court sentenced LeT leader Mir to almost 15 years in prison in June of last year in a case involving the funding of terrorism as the nation worked to get off the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)’s grey list.
    Source: Vajiram IAS
    India has, very appropriately, responded to the development that China sparked with a strong response. India’s query over the effectiveness of the architecture of global counter-terrorism deserves an answer since the encouragement of such obstacles gives out the message that radicals can get away with anything. 
    A review of the procedure is necessary if the huge rhetoric of collaboration and pacts formed to eliminate terrorism by world politics at various international fora are to succeed at the high table. 
    Due to China’s obstruction, India’s efforts to hold Mir accountable are hampered since it is unable to subject Mir to the sanctions that come with being labelled a global terrorist, such as a rigorous trial with asset freezing, travel restrictions, and an arms embargo.
    These strategies, which China recently used as well to stall Indo-US requests for the terror designation of notorious Pakistani terrorists Shahid Mahmood, Abdul Rehman Makki, and Abdul Rauf Azhar, have India reeling already. Beijing has once more sided with Islamabad out of geopolitical considerations, which will further escalate the conflicts between India and China.
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