India has strongly rebutted China’s claims on Arunachal Pradesh, dismissing them as “absurd and baseless.” Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India, with a democratically elected government that represents its people. China’s claims over the region, referred to as South Tibet by China, have been a longstanding point of contention between the two nations.

    Source:- BBC news

    The dispute traces back to historical disagreements and differing interpretations of border demarcations. India maintains that the McMahon Line, an agreement reached between British India and Tibet in 1914, serves as the legal boundary between Arunachal Pradesh and Tibet

    Source:- India today

    India’s response comes amidst periodic tensions along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto boundary between India and China. These tensions occasionally escalate into skirmishes and diplomatic standoffs, underscoring the unresolved nature of territorial disputes between the two nations.

    In recent years, China has sought to assert its claims more vocally, often issuing statements or taking diplomatic actions that challenge India’s sovereignty over Arunachal Pradesh. India, on its part, consistently rejects these claims, asserting its rights under international law and historical treaties.

    Despite these disputes, India and China maintain diplomatic channels to address issues related to border management and territorial disputes. Both nations have reiterated their commitment to resolving disputes through peaceful means, while simultaneously enhancing border infrastructure and military capabilities to safeguard their respective interests.

    In conclusion, India’s firm rejection of China’s claims on Arunachal Pradesh reflects its steadfast stance on territorial integrity and sovereignty. The issue remains a focal point in India-China relations, influencing bilateral dynamics and regional geopolitics in South Asia.

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