The historic decree establishes a precedent for cases throughout Europe by stating that protection from the effects of climate change is a fundamental human right. It emphasises how urgent it is to address the climate catastrophe. 

    The success of the ruling will depend on how willingly governments act to enact strong climate measures, but it is crucial for the public to exert pressure and engage in action to hold the European governments responsible.The claim made by the European court has international ramifications, particularly in light of a recent ruling by the Supreme Court of India.

    Source: Asia Insurance Post

    The SC emphasised that the right to life is directly impacted by climate change. It stated that India should give renewable energy projects first priority and emphasised the right of its people to be protected from the negative effects of the climate catastrophe. Additionally, legal triumphs are changing US and Dutch climate policy.

    The decisions highlight how human rights and climate change are intertwined. They draw attention to the ways that inequality is exacerbated and marginalised populations are disproportionately affected by environmental deterioration.

    Source: BBC News

    The effects of climate change are extensive, affecting everything from food and water shortages in underserved populations to indigenous groups in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.Making the switch to renewable energy becomes essential to reducing its negative impacts. 

    By guaranteeing that everyone in society has access to inexpensive, clean energy, it not only lessens dependency on fossil fuels but also advances social fairness. The paradigm in climate litigation is changing as a result of these rulings. This ought to force countries to act in order to prevent climate change and protect the rights of current and future generations.

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