In a vigorous attack on the Congress party, Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted its inability to surpass the 100-seat mark even after a decade. Modi’s comments come against the backdrop of the Congress’ prolonged struggle to regain political prominence since its defeat in the 2014 general elections.

    Source:- BBC news

    During a public address, Modi underscored the Congress’ failure to secure a substantial parliamentary presence despite being in opposition for over a decade. This critique reflects the BJP’s narrative of portraying itself as a formidable political force capable of delivering decisive victories, contrasting with what it perceives as the Congress’ dwindling influence.

    Source:- news 18

    The Prime Minister’s remarks echo the ongoing political discourse in India, where the BJP and Congress continue to engage in a battle for ideological and electoral supremacy. Modi’s emphasis on the Congress’ inability to breach the 100-seat mark serves to undermine the opposition’s credibility while bolstering the BJP’s narrative of effective governance and electoral success.

    As the country gears up for future electoral contests, Modi’s comments signal the BJP’s intent to capitalize on its perceived strengths while highlighting the weaknesses of its rivals. The Prime Minister’s assertion underscores the BJP’s confidence in its electoral strategies and its determination to maintain its political dominance in the Indian landscape.

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