He claimed that ever since Modi became prime minister, the Constitution is viewed as a pious book for governing the nation. The minister stated, For this government, judges should be loyal to the country and not the executive.
    The minister defended his past criticism of the collegium method for selecting judges by stating that judges still need to account to the public even if they are not elected by them.
    The minister added that communication challenges between him and the judges had been made worse by the media.Whatever a judge does is not open to a public vote but there is indeed public scrutiny. Social media is open for everyone and how can anyone avoid it? Rijiju said.If a judge also understands that he will stand public scrutiny and works accordingly, it will help the judge even when delivering a judgment, he said.A few days ago, I was asked a question in Parliament about judges taking vacations on a whim, pending cases despite all the facilities provided and courts not allowing laws made by Parliament. I answered that question and the next day newspapers ran a headline that the law minister criticised the Supreme Court, Rijiju said.In Rajya Sabha when parliament was undergoing through its winter session kiren Rijiju said that u201cDefinitely, there is a feeling among people of India that the long vacation which the courts obtain is not very convenient for justice-seekers. Definitely, as the Law Minister, it is also my bounded obligation and duty to convey the message or sense of this House to the judiciary. Will definitely ensure that even if there are vacations, the functioning of the court should not be stopped.u201dDo you agree with kiren Rijiju? Why or why not? We will glad to hear your opinion, so tell us in comment.


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