The research reignites an old, unsolved argument about how the virus originated. When SARS-CoV-2 first appeared in late 2019, the department, which is in charge of a network of laboratories, was unsure of how it happened. The updated assessment is supported by recent intelligence, however it comes with low confidence due to shaky supporting data or sources. 

    Source: Vox
    The Federal Bureau of Investigation came to the moderate confidence conclusion that the virus likely spread following a laboratory accident in 2021, although other authorities do not agree. China has discredited the most recent assessment, but the search for the truth has been stymied by its lack of transparency and withholding of information throughout the pandemic years.
    Around 68 lakh people have died as a result of Covid-19. The chaos it caused in the world economy is still being felt today. Identifying the virus’s origins is thought to be essential for more effectively combating or perhaps averting future epidemic. 

    Source: CNN- News 18
    The World Health Organization (WHO) has been under fire for its tardy and insufficient inquiry, while China has come under fire for its lack of collaboration, access restrictions, and evidence-covering. 
    China has the burden of proving its claim that the virus appeared naturally in animals before spreading to people to the satisfaction of the entire international scientific community.
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