On December 23, the elderly woman was brought into a trauma facility in Firozabad. But the medical professionals saw that the very following day, her heart and brain stopped working. The doctors concluded that the woman was clinically dead and that there was no chance of saving her after doing a thorough examination.

    After then, the deceased’s relatives began preparing to perform her final rites. When the terrifying scene of the woman waking from the dead occurred, the family members were on their way to the funeral. Upon learning that the family’s matriarch was still alive, the family members and the locals were relieved and brought her back. When the woman returned to her home in Bilaspur village, Firozabad, she gave a few cows as a donation and sipped tea. The woman’s brain and heart were in poor shape, and she was already frail and weak as a result, she was unable to live and passed away the very next day. After administering her last rites, her son talked to the media and described the entire incident, blaming the doctors for their carelessness.In the past, there have been similar instances in various parts of the world where people have wakened from the dead. Acknowledged clinicians have reported such cases medically where clinical death is defined as the absence of a pulse, heartbeat, and breathing, while biological death is defined as the absence of brain activity. In situations like the current case where the lady experienced the cessation of both her hearts and brain function, it is common for the doctors to declare the patient dead after a proper examination. Though the incident has sparked a debate on the medical negligence in the country. Many have expressed their shock and disbelief at the incident. Many have also raised questions on the competency of the doctors who declared her dead. The incident has also raised questions on the existing protocols in the country which allows a doctor to declare someone dead without conducting proper tests. Many have also asked for a thorough investigation into the matter and strict action against the doctors.What do you think, let us know in comments


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