The famed comedian-actor Kapil Sharma has publicly proclaimed his passion for Deepika, whom he affectionately refers to as Deepu, and will be working on a project with her. The 83-year-old actress took to Instagram a short time ago and shared a photo of herself with the caption ‘Surprise,’ indicating that she will be joining Kapil Sharma in the mega-blockbuster. The trailer will be released in just two days, and fans are already intrigued by Ms Padukone’s surprise announcement which was as follows – 

    Even fans are ecstatic about this news, and they can’t wait to watch Deepika Padukone and Kapil Sharma in a film together. But wait, is this a movie or an advertisement? Not just Deepika, but cricketers Rohit Sharma and Sourav Ganguly also uploaded similar backdrop photographs of themselves, with speculations claiming that they are working on an ad campaign rather than a film. Fans can’t wait to see Kapil Sharma and his Deepu together, whether in a film or an ad campaign.
    Are you ecstatic about this surprise? What do you think It is?Let us know in the comments below!


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