The action is anticipated to strengthen India’s armed forces’ combat prowess and preparedness as they consistently face China’s military posture in the Indian Ocean region as well as along the Line of Actual Control. 

    Tejas is a “very capable and potent” aircraft that is perfect for swapping out the MiG-series fighter jets, according to Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari. The capabilities of Tejas were demonstrated last week during PM Modi’s sortie in Bengaluru. The Indian Air Force’s plan to modernise 84 Sukhoi 30 fighter jets has received approval from the DAC, which will contribute to the country’s increased air force.

    Source: News Bharati

    The Ministry of Defence signed a Rs 48,000-crore agreement with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) in February 2021 to purchase 83 Tejas jets for the Indian Air Force. It is planned for the deliveries to start in February 2024. HAL needs to follow the schedule because any delays could negatively impact the forces’ readiness for operations.

    Source: ANI News

    Interestingly, 98% of the most recent purchases will come from within the country. The administration has reaffirmed its commitment to attaining self-reliance in the defence sector and placed faith in the domestic defence industry. It is commendable that capital acquisition funds have been set aside in the current fiscal year in the ratio of 75:25, with 25% (or Rs. 33,078 crore) going toward purchases from overseas suppliers and 75% (or Rs. 99,223 crore) going toward local procurement. 

    The goal of this outlay allocation is to encourage the domestic industry to contribute more to the modernization of defence. It will be up to the local manufacturers to make sure that quality control and delivery efficiency are properly attended to.

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