In an effort to counter China’s outreach to developing nations through its Belt and Road Initiative, Kishida proposed an investment of $75 billion in nations of the Global South. His choice of the phrase Global South is significant since it suggests that he is reaching out to developing nations in Africa, South America, and Asia in addition to the Indo-Pacific region.In his speech, Kishida outlined a four-pillar strategy that consists of opposing forcible unilateral changes to the status quo, realistic and practical cooperation on Indo-Pacific issues, boosting internal global connectivity to spur economic growth, and boosting security measures for the safe use of the sea and the air.
    Source: SinopsisFormer Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe first proposed the idea of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP). It has been relaunched by Kishida with his own touch. Since Abe originally introduced the idea, a lot has occurred in the world, including the Covid epidemic and Russia’s conflict with Ukraine. These changes have brought attention to the shifting global power dynamics and the need for reputable alternatives to Chinese-dominated supply networks. Kishida stated the broadened vision of his FOIP while stating that the globe is at a historic tipping moment.
    Kishida has expanded support for maritime security and the safe use of the sea and the air to nations in the FOIP plan in accordance with Japan’s new national security strategy, published in December last year, which envisaged military cooperation with like-minded countries.
    Source: WionKishida undoubtedly intended to bring India closer to a collaboration with Japan in its efforts to oppose a growing China when he chose India to present his vision for his FOIP Plan for Peace. Japan is content to support India’s vision for the Global South, but it would prefer that New Delhi take a more active role in security measures. However, it is hesitant to fully rely on the US’s overreliance on military action to confront China. In the midst of these conundrums, Japan likely sees closer ties with India as beneficial to pursuing a compromise strategy to fight China.

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