Some people worry that this could even mean that the word India will be completely eliminated from political and official discourse. The Constitution refers to the nation as Bharat, or India, hence an amendment would be required to exclude India. 
    Source: The Hindu
    Although it is true that the RSS and the BJP have always supported Bharat over India, it is unclear why there has been a sudden nomenclatural onslaught.It is foolish and petulant if it is a response to the Opposition alliance calling itself INDIA. It is foolish and poorly planned if it is included in a set of actions meant to firmly establish the nationalist position.
    Although the usage has occasionally varied depending on context, both India and Bharat have been used interchangeably. Though India is more well-known and has been used more frequently, particularly in the political sphere, Bharat has greater cultural significance. 

    Source: India Today
    Even the idea that Bharat would better reflect rural India while India would symbolize the nation’s metropolitan side has been floated.The argument against the name India is because it was chosen by outsiders and hence would not adequately convey the nation’s identity and character. But throughout history, both names have changed, acquired new meanings, and taken on new associations. The fact that there are two names and that the Constitution recognizes both acknowledges the history’s multiple streams and roots. 
    The nation’s identity was shaped over time by the perceptions and experiences of individuals of various races, tongues, and religious beliefs. Rejecting one aspect of it while accepting another is wrong. In addition to a constitutional amendment, there would need to be extensive consultations and agreement if India were to be completely replaced with Bharat.
    What do you think about this? Comment below. 


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