In a single day, Dubai received 254 mm of rain, the equivalent of 18 months’ worth of rainfall in the area. It was the most precipitation that had been recorded since 1949 in the weather records. The airport, which is regarded as one of the best in the world, experienced severe floods as a result of the runways being submerged. 

    Normal life became chaotic, schools were closed, and flights were affected. People were left stuck at work or on the roadways, cars were washed away, and the electricity supply was interrupted. Billionaires are lost in the deal. The issues were made worse by the lack of an appropriate drainage system.In the parched Gulf region, such heavy precipitation has sparked debate and a number of ideas, the majority of which blame the effects of human interference with nature.

    Source: News18

    Dubai has undergone constant construction and has aspired to be a marvel among cities worldwide. In a matter of years, it has produced architectural marvels in the form of highways, businesses, airports, and high-rises. It was an instance of doing too much too quickly and not paying close attention to every little detail. Because it was believed that an efficient drainage system would not be required in an area with little rainfall, its construction was disregarded. 

    In many places, there was no way for rainwater to trickle off or seep into the ground.There have been suggestions that the unusually high rainfall could be the result of cloud seeding, a common practice in the area. The idea that cloud seeding preceded the rains has been refuted by the UAE, and specialists have not discovered any solid evidence linking the two. El Nino has also been held accountable. Many researchers believe that climate change may have contributed to the special climatic conditions that caused the flood.

    Source: Firstpost

    Climate change has been associated with extreme weather occurrences that have grown commonplace in most parts of the world. Numerous of them have been unfavourable occurrences, such as drought in wet areas and rain in desert parts.There have been cyclonic floods in Rajasthan’s desert regions, and there has been irregular rainfall in areas with monsoon plenitude. 

    Many scientists have stated that when global warming is present, the intensity of the rain increases. Thus, the tragedy in Dubai should serve as yet another reminder of the urgency with which climate change action must be addressed. Although most other cities lack money, technology, and entrepreneurship, Dubai possesses these things, yet nature has overcome it.

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