In order to protect students’ futures as well as the wellbeing of instructors and other personnel, a resolution is urgently needed in light of the recent defeats in both the higher education and the classroom. The President of India has returned the Punjab Universities Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2023, dealing a serious blow. 

    This bill attempted to replace the Governor as the Chancellor of state-run universities with the Chief Minister. It was enacted at a special Assembly session in June of last year. Due to the President’s reluctance to sign the Bill, Punjab’s higher education system’s administrative framework is in limbo.

    Source: Hindustan Times

    The Centre’s refusal to give Punjab its share of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, which is worth over Rs 500 crore, exacerbates this problem. This vital funding has been stopped since the state has withdrawn from the PM Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI) program. The financing was intended to upgrade the infrastructure of public schools. 

    Punjab claims that it has taken this action since it already operates similar programs that are connected to the National Education Policy, such as “Schools of Eminence,” “Schools of Brilliance,” and “Schools of Happiness.” The deadlock has impacted the quality of education by delaying necessary infrastructure upgrades in schools. 

    Source: NDTV

    Fund distribution must be made equitable by the Center.These conflicts must be resolved as soon as possible by the state and federal governments. It is critical that educational institutions have the resources and assistance they need to run efficiently and provide a stable, favourable learning environment. The current political battle highlights the need for a more cooperative and less combative style of governing by posing a threat to the state’s long-term developmental objectives.

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