Twitter and Musk both declined to confirm the news. It appears that Mr Tweet gave developers instructions on how to create the platform’s payment system.Musk wants Twitter to turn into an everything app similar to China’s WeChat, thus the company has been teasing about adding payments to its platform.In October of last year, as he assumed control of the business after buying it for $44 billion, Musk stated that purchasing Twitter was an accelerant to inventing X, the everything app.

    Source: Gadgets NowEither switch Twitter over to that, or establish a new service. It must occur in some way said he.You kind of live on WeChat if you’re in China. It performs every action. It has a wonderful interface and is kind of like Twitter plus PayPal plus a tonne of other stuff together. It’s a pretty great app, and outside of China, we don’t have anything like it During the podcast last year, Musk informed the listeners.Musk was a co-founder of, an online bank that was merged to create PayPal in 1999.Share your thoughts with us in the comments.


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