Musk argued in a recent court filing that the trial should be transferred from Northern California to Western Texas because possible jurors may have been biassed against him by local media coverage, according to AP.source: mintAdditionally, according to the court document, Musk’s takeover of Twitter has made him so unpopular in California that it’s unlikely he’d be able to receive a fair trial.Musk’s attorneys want the trial to be postponed if shifting it isn’t an option until bad publicity surrounding his high-profile acquisition of Twitter has subsided.Elon Musk makes history by becoming the first person to lose $200 billion.According to Musk’s lawyer in the court document, the neighbourhood has been inundated with biassed and unfavourable reports about Mr. Musk for the past several months.A class action complaint alleges that Musk artificially inflated Tesla’s stock price in 2018 when he tweeted that he was considering taking his electric vehicle firm private at $420 per share and that he had even secured money for the move. Musk is scheduled to testify before a jury in the case.Last April, Northern California Senior District Judge Edward M. Chen said that Musk’s tweets were false and reckless, which was a major defeat for Musk.The jury in the next trial will determine whether the billionaire’s tweets from 2018 had an effect on Tesla’s share price and whether the corporation or its board should be held accountable and required to make restitution.Since taking over as CEO of Twitter in November 2022 and laying off thousands of workers to reduce costs, Musk has made headlines.Share your thoughts with us in the comments.


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