However, they were entirely based on verbal promises. By the first week of January 2023, most of the individuals fired by Musk and his colleagues were expected to get their severance compensation letters.
    According to a Fortune article, the pay being provided to former Twitter workers is much less than what they were entitled to. The severance pay message was in such a way that it ended up in the spam folder, which caused many employees to miss the mail, according to the same source.For a variety of reasons, including the way in which Twitter either dismissed people or coerced them to leave the firm, Musk has been sued by several distinct groups of former employees of the social media platform.
    Source: WikipediaMusk has instructed Twitter’s finance staff to stop paying vendors they have been collaborating with as well as the rent on the company’s offices in an effort to save costs.Additionally, Musk sought to avoid paying any severance at all, which led to the fact that he was already embroiled in a different litigation.Musk has ceased providing free meals, a practise that was instituted by Jack Dorsey, a co-founder and former CEO of Twitter. Additionally, Musk has instructed his crew to auction off kitchen appliances, unneeded furniture, and many other trinkets from Twitter’s San Francisco offices.
    More people from the trust and safety team, which oversees worldwide content moderation and carefully monitors hate speech and harassment on the network, have recently been let go from Twitter. The article also says that the business has terminated personnel from teams in charge of addressing policies on disinformation, international appeals, and state media on the platform.Share your thoughts with us in the comments.


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