Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques can be seen playing around with a jar of honey leaving mant YouTubers stunned at how magical zero gravity can be. He conducted various experiments in space alongwith supporting critical operations and maintenance activities like robotics and spacewalking during his 204 days’ stay in space.
    In the video, he opens the jar of honey and says, u201cSo letu2019s show you the strange behaviour of honey in zero-G.u201d As he opens the lid, the honey looks like a slimy substance which is attached to both the container and the lid. Jacques then lets go of the container and it starts floating in the air and curls backwards. Strange things happen when you remove gravity, he adds with a smile.
    Source – YouTubeThe viewers were very fascinated by the whole thing and many users commented on the video. One said, u201cFull respect for this guy as he went to space, took some honey with him, and showed all of us non-astronauts what honey behaves like in zero gravity.u201d Another user joked, u201cThis takes u2018playing with your foodu2019 to a whole new level.u201d Share your thoughts with us in the comments.


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