We’ve been working with him for a year now. He wanted to improve his overall fitness. I assisted him in realigning his understanding of sports nutrition, Bhatia said on Monday.
    Surya’s diet, according to Bhatia, was based on a five-point plan. To begin, improve performance in both training and games. Second, and most importantly, assist him in keeping his body fat within the athletic zone (12-15%).
    Third, his diet should help him maintain cognitive alertness and energy. With fewer cravings, the fourth point was about reducing the need to constantly refuel. Bhatia reduced his carbohydrate intake to the bare minimum to achieve the best results.
    Recent research demonstrates how a structured low carb plan can not only maintain but also improve performance, she said.source: HSR SportsWe cut out all excess carbohydrates from Surya’s diet. His diet is high in healthy fats such as nuts and Omega 3s. He eats a lot of high-quality proteins from non-vegetarian sources (eggs, meats, and fish), dairy, and fibrous carbohydrates from vegetables. Hydration, which includes fluids and electrolytes, is critical for athletes. 
    Fluid and electrolyte guidelines are provided for the intra-match/intra-training period. Sports performance supplements are taken before, during, and after exercise.
    Whey protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and joint health supplements are just a few examples. The fundamental plan is adjusted as needed to accommodate match, training, and travel schedules. To avoid monotony, I plan the menu and suggest healthy alternatives and cuisines, Bhatia added.
    Surya’s extraordinary batting abilities have stunned the cricket world, and this is the result of an incredible amount of work he’s put in to achieve peak fitness in the last year, resulting in better execution.
    I think he’s just really earning the reward for a lot of hard work that he’s put in on and off the field, Dravid said.


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