The Indian government revoked Article 370, which granted Jammu & Kashmir special autonomous status. This landmark decision aimed to integrate the region more fully into India, curb terrorism, and boost development.

    Five years later, assessing the impact reveals mixed outcomes. Security Situation: There has been a reduction in large-scale violence, but sporadic clashes and militant activities continue. The revocation did not completely eliminate insurgency but may have altered its dynamics.

    Source:- news 18

    Economic Development: The government promised enhanced development through increased investment. While infrastructure projects have been initiated, tangible improvements in local living standards and economic growth remain debated.

    Source:- BBC news

    Political Integration: The move was intended to promote integration, yet it also led to political unrest and a clampdown on local political activity. The region’s political representation remains a contentious issue, with many leaders still under detention or restricted.

    Public Sentiment: The local population’s response is polarized. While some appreciate the end of special status as a step towards equal treatment, others view it as a violation of their rights and autonomy.

    In summary, the revocation of Article 370 has achieved some of its goals but also faced significant challenges and criticisms. The long-term impact on Jammu & Kashmir’s stability, development, and integration continues to evolve.

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