The concept of the infallible maternal figure, or ‘Ma’, has evolved significantly in various cultural and political contexts, from the films of Salim-Javed to the contemporary political sphere exemplified by figures like Kamala Harris. This exploration sheds light on how this idealized notion of ‘Ma’ has shaped public perceptions and political narrativesnarratives

    Source:- news 18

    Salim-Javed, the iconic screenwriting duo of Indian cinema, crafted characters that embodied the idealized mother—an infallible, nurturing, and morally upright figure. These portrayals in Bollywood films created a fantasy that influenced societal expectations of women in domestic and public roles. The impact of this representation extended beyond cinema, influencing cultural attitudes toward motherhood and female authority.

    Source:- BBC news

    In contrast, Kamala Harris, as a prominent political figure, represents a modern manifestation of the ‘Ma’ archetype within a political context. Harris’s rise to prominence as the Vice President of the United States reflects how the fantasy of an infallible ‘Ma’ has adapted to contemporary narratives. Her role embodies both the strength and empathy traditionally associated with the maternal ideal, yet also highlights the complexities and pressures faced by women in high-stakes political positions.

    The piece examines how the ideal of the infallible ‘Ma’ has been both celebrated and critiqued. On one hand, it reflects societal desires for moral clarity and strong leadership; on the other, it can impose unrealistic expectations and constraints. As cultural and political landscapes evolve, the concept of ‘Ma’ continues to be a powerful but contested symbol, influencing how female leaders are perceived and expected to perform.

    In essence, the fantasy of the infallible ‘Ma’ illustrates a persistent and evolving ideal in both cultural and political arenas, shaping and challenging our understanding of leadership and gender.





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