The necessity for all governments to fight the war in unison and put aside politics stood out among the remarkable proposals. In order to do this, he counselled the states to make the most use of the money from the police modernization kitties as well as the central monies available for drug control in order to upgrade forensic science labs.

    The actual situation, however, indicates differences in the funding awarded during the previous five years. According to information presented in Parliament, during this time, grants for drug control were denied to Punjab, Delhi, and Chhattisgarh, all of which are not BJP-ruled states. 

    Source: 123RF

    While Punjab, being a border state, is more susceptible to narco-terror, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh received significant funding to combat the drug problem. This is abundantly evident from the sobering 2022 statistics: Punjab witnessed the second-highest number of NDPS (narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances) Act arrests, after Kerala. 

    Punjab should work harder to get its fair share of the federal funding, and the federal government should be more willing to lend a hand in this endeavour. It will provide the multifaceted effort to combat the threat with much-needed momentum. 

    Source: ANI News

    The battle involves a wide range of tasks, such as apprehending the drug lords, treating the unfortunate young people who are addicted to narcotics, and scientifically getting rid of the massive quantities of drugs that different agencies have confiscated. The cornerstone to any anti-drug campaign’s success is money.

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