Following that, officials from over ninety nations are expected to gather in Switzerland for a second “peace conference” that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has called; Russia is not expected to attend. Now, over 28 months have passed since Russia began its war on Ukraine. 

    Contrary to what was previously thought, it is evident that Ukraine cannot defeat Russia on the battlefield. It requires greater resources, more weapons, and maybe even the presence of armed forces from other nations. It desires a global assembly against Russia amid the Swiss Alps. Zelensky’s bad news is that the Global South, along with the rest of the globe, is sick and tired of this battle. 

    Source: RIF

    It seems more and more like the US/NATO is fighting Russia as a proxy. Zelensky and others who support him in the West might caution that Russia’s aggressiveness on Ukraine won’t end. Though they preach sanctimoniously against Russia’s lack of regard for territorial sovereignty, people all over the world, South and North, are incensed that Western leaders, the same ones gathered in Italy, will do nothing to stop an aggressive aggressor in the 

    Middle East with the blood of over 34,000 civilians on its hands. Several redlines have been violated in the two theatres of battle throughout the past 2.5 years.The most recent is the G-7’s approval in Italy of a legally questionable proposal to use Russian funds that have been frozen to provide Ukraine with an instant $50 billion loan. 

    According to the proposal, Russian money will have to be blocked for at least ten years, which implies that the war is likely to last that long. Since Israel began its war against Hamas, the US has passed legislation granting Israel $12.5 billion, which Israel will almost exclusively use for military expenditures.

    Source: ABC News

    The initial public excitement in Europe for supporting Ukraine is beginning to fade. One explanation for the tilt to the right in the European Union elections is the effect of the war between Russia and Ukraine on the continent’s economies. The US could suddenly stop giving Ukraine favouritism if President Joe Biden is not granted a second term. 

    It would have been far more mature of the G-7 to concentrate on putting an end to both wars rather than trying to drag them into the “unknown” by feeding Israel’s war machine on the one hand and giving in to Zelensky’s wish to beat Russia on the other. The majority of people desire that.

    What do you think about this? Comment below.


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