The hospital’s closure is primarily attributed to a severe shortage of essential medical supplies, including chemotherapy drugs and medical equipment. The ongoing political and economic challenges in the region have severely impacted the ability of the hospital to operate effectively. The blockade and restrictions on the movement of goods have made it increasingly difficult to import and maintain the necessary medical resources.
    Source:- the times of indiaCancer patients in Gaza now face a dire situation, with limited access to life-saving treatments. Many of them will be forced to seek medical care in other regions or countries, which can be a costly and logistically challenging endeavor. The closure of Gaza’s only cancer hospital underscores the urgent need for international assistance to address the healthcare crisis in the region.
    Source:- times nowHealth organizations and advocacy groups have been calling for increased humanitarian aid and a concerted effort to ensure the availability of medical supplies to support cancer patients in Gaza. This crisis not only highlights the pressing healthcare needs in the region but also the broader challenges faced by the Palestinian population as a result of the ongoing conflict.
    The international community is being urged to take action to alleviate the suffering of cancer patients in Gaza and to address the larger humanitarian issues in the region. The closure of the cancer hospital serves as a stark reminder of the importance of addressing the healthcare infrastructure and access to essential medical resources in conflict-affected areas
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