On a daily basis, we hear accounts of unfairness and injustice, whether it is assault, abduction, rape, or child marriage. Even now, dowry-related atrocities and murders are reported with frightening frequency. This follows decades of commemorating International Women’s Day, which celebrates women’s achievements and strongly campaigns for equal rights for women. To say the least, the reality is disheartening.
    Source: UN Women Asia and the Pacific
    Gender equality is still a faraway dream. According to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Gender equality is both a fundamental human right and a solution to some of the world’s most pressing issues. Nevertheless, the most pervasive human rights violation of our time is holding back half of mankind.
    According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the amount of cyber crimes has increased throughout the epidemic years. They estimated that as many as 4,555 cases of sexual exploitation were registered in 2021 alone, accounting for almost 8.6% of all cases.
    Throughout the pandemic and lockdown, people were obliged to use the internet for educational, professional, and social purposes. Working women began to work from home utilising laptop computers, smart phones, and the internet. Women who are pursuing an education have been pushed to use the internet for online study and other educational purposes. Because the majority of women were utilising social media websites and one or more online platforms at the time, the rate of cybercrime against women began to climb.

    Source: Life Tak
    Society must evolve. The family is the beginning place. The way we treat our wives at home lays the groundwork for our children to learn this virtue. Gender stereotypes of all kinds must be eliminated from our families and society. Symbols of hierarchy should be removed, and equality should be restored. A sophisticated society cannot be one that subjugates women. When women have equal and equitable treatment with males in all aspects, we may say we live in a civilised society.
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