The footballer took to social media to express a stopgap that India will allow OCI cards to be given to India- origin footballers so that they can play for the side as a binary citizens. 
     Source:- NDTV
    u201d Giving up my passport means I can not play professionally in the UK and some European clubs, due to India’s FIFA ranking. Permitting OCI cards, analogous to other countries, will allow me to represent the Indian football platoon as a binary public. I hope this can be soon, u201d Dhanda wrote on Twitter in response to All India Football Federation( AIFF) clerk-general Dr. Shaji Prabhakaran. 
    The discussion on the issue began when Prabhakaran responded to Manchester United legend Rio Ferdinand who claimed that Dhanda should be included in the Indian football platoon. 

    Source: GP107HD
    u201c Love it@yandhanda surely@indianfootball public platoon, u201d Ferdinand wrote with the videotape of a thing scored by Dhanda. 
    Prabhakaran responded by saying that Dhanda can only play if he moves to India permanently. 
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