The summit brings together heads of state, policymakers, scientists, environmental activists, and representatives from various sectors to discuss strategies to combat climate change.

    The agenda includes discussions on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, preserving biodiversity, and implementing sustainable practices across industries.
    The urgency of the environmental crisis is underscored by the release of alarming scientific reports highlighting the irreversible damage caused by rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, and loss of ecosystems.

    The summit aims to foster a spirit of cooperation and encourage nations to set ambitious targets and strengthen their commitment to the Paris Agreement.

    Source:- United Nations
    Key outcomes of the summit are expected to include new agreements, initiatives, and partnerships aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change.

    This gathering of global leaders signifies a turning point in international efforts to address the environmental crisis and provides hope for a more sustainable future for generations to come.
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