Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated on Thursday that the world is in a crisis and it is difficult to determine how long this state of instability will remain. He was alluding to a number of international issues brought on by terrorism, war, and other forms of conflict.
    Prime Minister Modi raised worries about the rising cost of food, gasoline, and fertilisers, the impact of COVID on the economy, and the increase in natural disasters brought on by climate change in his opening remarks at the Voice of Global South virtual summit. 

    In the presence of several leaders from various poor countries, he declared, It is obvious that the globe is in a situation of crisis. It is challenging to forecast how long the state of instability will remain, he continued.
    The future is most important to us in the Global South… The majority of global crises were not developed by the Global South, but they have a greater impact on us, he remarked. 
    India has always shared its development experiences with its brothers in the global south, according to PM Modi.
    Ten sessions are planned for the summit, six of which will take place on Friday and four of which will be held on Thursday. Leaders and ministers from 10 to 20 different nations are anticipated to attend each session.
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