Manolo Marquez, the newly appointed head coach of the Indian national football team, has shared his candid advice with Indian footballers: “Go abroad, ISL is too comfortable.” Marquez’s remark underscores his belief that playing in the Indian Super League (ISL), while beneficial, may not provide the same level of challenge and development as international leagues.

    Source:- news 18

    Marquez, known for his success with various clubs in Spain and India, emphasized that the ISL offers a competitive environment, but it may lack the intensity and rigor found in European or other top international leagues. His advice to Indian players is rooted in the idea that exposure to higher levels of competition abroad can significantly enhance their skills, tactical understanding, and overall development.

    Source:- BBC news

    By suggesting that Indian footballers consider moving to clubs in more competitive leagues, Marquez aims to push players out of their comfort zones. He believes that facing stronger opponents and adapting to different styles of play will better prepare them for international matches and improve the standard of Indian football.

    Marquez’s comments reflect a broader strategy to elevate the level of Indian football by encouraging players to gain experience in diverse footballing environments. This approach aligns with global practices where players often seek challenges in different leagues to grow and refine their skills.

    The new head coach’s perspective also highlights the need for Indian footballers to broaden their horizons and pursue opportunities beyond domestic leagues. By doing so, they can contribute more effectively to the national team and raise the overall standard of Indian football.

    In summary, Manolo Marquez’s advice to Indian footballers emphasizes the importance of international experience and challenges, encouraging players to seek opportunities abroad to further their development and enhance the quality of Indian football.

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