long-standing debate over the return of the Kohinoor diamond, the descendants of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the legendary ruler of the Sikh Empire, have recently expressed their stance on the matter. The descendants firmly stated that the government has no role to play in the return of the renowned gem.
    The Kohinoor diamond, currently part of the British Crown Jewels, has been a subject of contention between India and the United Kingdom for many years. Many individuals and groups, including the Indian government, have sought its repatriation, arguing that the diamond holds immense historical and cultural significance for India.Source:- hindustan times 
    However, the descendants of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who are direct inheritors of the Sikh Empire’s legacy, have emphasized that they are the rightful custodians of the Kohinoor, and it is their prerogative to determine its fate. They maintain that the government’s involvement in the matter is unnecessary and irrelevant.
    In a statement issued by the family’s spokesperson, Manjit Singh Kohli, he emphasized that the government’s efforts to retrieve the Kohinoor have been misguided. The Kohinoor diamond has been an integral part of our family heritage for generations. It should be up to us, the direct descendants of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, to decide its future, he declared.
    Kohli further expressed disappointment with the government’s persistent efforts to involve itself in the matter. We respect the sentiments of the Indian people, but it is essential to understand that the Kohinoor belongs to our family. The government’s attempts to intervene in this personal matter are unnecessary and unwarranted, he added.
    The descendants of Maharaja Ranjit Singh have also expressed their willingness to engage in dialogue with the British authorities to discuss the diamond’s future. They believe that a resolution can be reached through diplomatic channels without the interference of the Indian government.
    This recent declaration by the descendants of Maharaja Ranjit Singh has added a new dimension to the ongoing debate surrounding the repatriation of the Kohinoor. While the Indian government has been actively pursuing the diamond’s return, it now faces a challenge in reconciling its position with the wishes of the direct descendants of the revered Sikh ruler.
    As the issue continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the Indian government will respond to the descendants’ assertion of their rights and whether a diplomatic solution can be reached between the concerned parties regarding the fate of the Kohinoor diamond.
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