It has asked the court to order the governor to expeditiously resolve the outstanding liabilities. It has stated that the governor’s actions have the potential to undermine the fundamental tenets of the Constitution, such as democratic governance and the rule of law.
    Source: Samayam Telugu
    Similar arguments have also been raised by other states that had complained about their governors to the court. Declaring the inaction, omission, delay and failure to comply with the Constitutional mandate to be against the spirit of the legislation is what Tamil Nadu has asked the court to rule.
    The governor has been awaiting the passage of several laws passed by the Kerala Assembly for more than two years. There are no justifiable reasons to withhold consent for this extended amount of time. Bills may be sent to the President, returned to the Assembly, or the governor may request explanations on them. Retaining them without a good reason is intentional hindrance. 
    The governors’ actions degrade the Assemblies, obstruct elected governments from carrying out their duties, and meddle in state governance. Although governors are obligated to uphold and defend the Constitution, they are weakening it by their obstinate behaviour. Unlawful acts can take many additional forms in addition to the withholding of bills. On a number of subjects, governors needlessly take public stances opposing state governments.

    Source: The Indian Express
    This demonstrates the political nature of the governors’ actions because it only occurs in states controlled by opposition parties. Governors can’t act like super governments, even though they can’t be rubber stamps either. They ought to honour the prerogatives and privileges of duly elected administrations as well as the assemblies that have actual authority. The Supreme Court stated that governors should honour the constitutional obligation under Article 200 to approve measures as soon as possible when the Telangana administration petitioned the court earlier this year. Article 200’s as soon as possible refers to at the earliest, yet governors are abusing the lack of a deadline to evade their constitutional obligations. They shouldn’t represent the federal government politically; rather, they are the president’s delegates in the states.
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