The Indian government is planning to raise at least ₹10,000 crore through sovereign green bonds in its next phase of issuance. This initiative aims to support the country’s ambitious climate action goals and boost investment in green and sustainable projects.

    Source:- news 18

    Sovereign green bonds are a key component of India’s strategy to achieve its climate targets under the Paris Agreement. These bonds will be used to finance projects that contribute to reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency, and fostering sustainable development. The funds raised will be allocated to various sectors, including renewable energy, sustainable transportation, and energy-efficient buildings.

    Source:-BBC news

    The move is part of a broader effort by the Indian government to tap into global green financing markets and demonstrate its commitment to environmental sustainability. By issuing these bonds, India aims to attract international investors who are increasingly focused on environmentally responsible investments. This issuance also aligns with the government’s goal of enhancing transparency and accountability in the use of green funds.

    In previous phases, India has successfully issued green bonds that attracted significant interest from both domestic and international investors. The upcoming phase is expected to build on this momentum, potentially drawing substantial investments that will help accelerate the transition towards a low-carbon economy.

    Overall, the issuance of these sovereign green bonds represents a crucial step in India’s broader strategy to address climate change and promote sustainable development. The funds raised will not only support critical green projects but also signal India’s ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship and its role in the global fight against climate change.

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