Hansal Mehta, the acclaimed filmmaker, expressed his disappointment following a recent incident involving Telugu star Nandamuri Balakrishna. In the viral video, Balakrishna is seen pushing his co-star Anjali on stage during a promotional event, which drew widespread criticism. Mehta strongly condemned Balakrishna’s behavior, calling him a “scumbag” on social media and questioning the lack of immediate reaction from the audience present at the event​

    Source:- BBC news

    Mehta also revealed a personal anecdote related to this incident, sharing his son’s experience. His son, Pallava, who has Down syndrome, is a big fan of actor Nagarjuna. Despite their repeated attempts, Nagarjuna refused to meet Pallava during an event. Mehta used this story to highlight his disappointment with how celebrities often fail to reciprocate the admiration and support they receive from fans, especially those with special needs​.

    Source:- India today

    This incident has sparked significant debate on social media, with many echoing Mehta’s concerns about respect and professionalism in the entertainment industry.

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