But still, there was no clarity among the people about what happened at the border. 
    The doubt of Indian citizen gets cleared when the Indian defense minister addressed both houses of Parliament. He gave a speech in both houses and clarified that Indian troops were successful in thwarting the PLA troops from entering Indian territory. There was no major injury recorded from India’s side and both the troops got some minor injuries while the clashes. The clashes occurred on 9th Dec 2022 in the Tawang sector, this clash first was after the 2020 Galwan clash. 
    Image credit: daily pioneer.Rajnath Singh in the house said PLA troops tried to transgress the LAC in the Yangtse area of Tawang sector and unilaterally change the status quo. The Chinese attempt was contested by our troops firmly and resolutely. The ensuing face-off led to a physical scuffle in which the Indian Army bravely prevented the PLA from transgressing into our territory and compelled them to return to the issue has also been taken up with the Chinese side through diplomatic channels.But as soon as Rajnath Singh completed his speech he chooses not to take a question from opposition party members. And this brings politics into the picture, some political parties started to question whether the government is trying to hide something from us. Amit Shah reacted to the actions of the opposition by saying that they deliberately disrupted the question hour because the discussion was about to be done on the Rajiv Gandhi foundation. He also said that India will not lose a single inch of land under the leadership of PM Modi. What do you think is opposition right? Is the Indian government trying to hide something?


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